Desina 2024 - Naples

It was special. A truly heartfelt edition. Thank you, Naples!

Desina Festival

Art and AI: When two worlds collide

Lorenzo Levrero has recently been experimenting with artificial intelligence program. He has created a series of posts on LinkedIn and lnstagram

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La casa de Papel and Far East Film 2019,have won at the Motion Awards 2020.

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Engineers have feelings too! Yes, it’s hard to imagine that, the profound fulfillment technicians can feel when reaching a goal — a universe that exists within their minds, reflecting their innermost desires and emotions. This is exactly what the NetApp worldwide campaign sets out to do.

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NEW U.S. Rep! Final Frontiers

A new roster. A new family.

A new adventure for our creative studio. This is the Final Frontier of creativity in US 🇺🇲Welcome to all of you, directors.

We are ready to rock! 🔥

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How everything seems like a copy of a copy (and how to avoid it!)

Daniele Gavatorta

Let's face it. Creatives actually spend 50% of their time looking at what others are doing. Don't worry, we can talk honestly, you are in a safe place here and no one will judge you. Some clever folks will tell me that I am wrong, that inspiration comes solely from our experience, and that everything we create comes from the well-known World of Ideas. Okay, Plato, thanks for your input. Now let's talk about what happens in the real world.

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14 years on the market, 12 Promax Awards won!

14 years on the market, 12 Promax Awards won! That’s a goal!Our project “Missione Oriente” for Rai - Radiotelevisione Italiana won the Gold Award at Promax Europe 23 - category Animation.

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